Sunday, June 16, 2013


Today was one of those days that could not be represented with just one image. 
So behold, my day in a few images.

Sweet potato cake thing from Japan, courtesy of Shennan's family.
It was delicious.

Have I mentioned how much I hate cats? Because I do. 
Sialia sialis post mortem

Family discussions

Go Tanis, go!

Yeah cousin Mark! 

Zoey, the nicest dog in the world.

First board game I've played in almost 4 years.

Sunset with moon.


Seen outside my studio...


Garden sculpture.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Studio visits from a world traveler.
Tea, cartoons, poetry and conversations about how big God is.
So good to see this guy again.


New collage. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Ties on Heads the 5th.
Breakfast food, Star Wars and ties...on our heads.


Happy Birthday to this guy!
So thankful for these two.


What is out of place in this picture? 
(Hint: It isn't Matt)
(Another hint: Molly Gardner is OUT. OF. CONTROL.)

Never a dull moment at this place. 


Morning calls to late night Korea.